Current Availability for Student
Accommodation York

If you are looking for student accommodation in York then please select the size of property you want by hovering over current availability and select the house size you are looking for. If you cannot find something that meets your requirements, please email us and we will see if we can help you.

Student housing york
Looking for a 9 bedroom student house or 9 bedroom student flat in York?
twin room
Looking for a 8 bedroom student house or 8 bedroom student flat in York?
Looking for a 7 bedroom student house or 7 bedroom student flat in York?
Student Accommodation in York
Looking for a 6 bedroom student house or 6 bedroom student flat in York?
Looking for a 5 bedroom student house or 5 bedroom student flat in York?
3 bedroom student house
Looking for a 4 bedroom student house or 4 bedroom student flat in York?
3 bed Student Accommodation in York
Looking for a 3 bedroom student house or 3 bedroom student flat in York?
2 bed Student Accommodation in York
Looking for a 2 bedroom student house or 2 bedroom student flat in York?
1 bedroom student house
Looking for a 1 bedroom student house or 1 bedroom student flat in York?

Fill out the form and we will be in contact shortly

Feel free to call us on 07808929557 and we will endeavour to help you find your student home in York